Pharmacists Are the Vitamins of Healthcare
The Father of Vitamins was an incredibly important person who went unthanked-just like pharmacists.
The Value of Board-Certified Psychiatric Pharmacists
Being recognized as a BCPP brings professional recognition and credibility as an expert in psychopharmacology and behavioral health matters.
The First Billion-Dollar Drug
Explaining the high price of a drug to a customer is hard enough, but its worse when its your mother.
Automation Drives New Role for Hospital Pharmacists
By using automated medication inventory management, pharmacists are freed up to perform more patient focused care.
Are Community Pharmacists an Untapped Resource in Fighting Antifungal Resistance?
Anti-fungal resistance hasn't gotten much attention - but it's a big problem.
The Opioid Epidemic: Well, It Ain’t My fault … Maybe?
The opioid crisis? There is enough blame to go around.
7 Weird Gifts Every Pharmacist Wants
Don’t know what to get your coworkers? Relax, we’ve got you covered.
Health System Pharmacies Adopt Next-Generation Tech
It's time for pharmacies to move into the future: Industry 4.0.
What Makes a Successful Antibiotic Stewardship Program?
By understanding factors associated with successful ASPs, we can determine how best to support hospitals in developing good stewardship practices.
Are We Being Played for Suckers?
Why are Americans shouldering the burden of paying for drug innovations?
AST: The Linchpin of Antimicrobial Stewardship
Antimicrobial susceptibility testing (AST) for newer antibiotics is falling behind because there is a lag time between FDA approval and inclusion in commercial AST devices.
The Underappreciated Risks of Hospital IV Compounding
Technology can help reduce error rates in IV compounding.
Bread Baking and Health Care
Maybe the health-care industry could learn something from Pete Kreckel's mother.
Casting Doubt: Are Compound Interventions Effective?
How can we better engage patients for greater adherence rates?
The Future Isn’t So Futuristic
A pharmacist looks back at what he was told in pharmacy school.
Staffing Makes the Difference
It isn't the number of prescriptions that makes a good day in the pharmacy, it is the staffing.
How the NECC Case Changed Compounding Pharmacy
Because of the NECC Case, the nation has a much more consistent approach toward regulating and overseeing compounding pharmacies.
Pharmacy Education: Foundation for Providing Health
AACP offers a rebuttal to a Drug Topics opinion article.
Technology: It is Here to Stay
Pete Kreckel has a love hate relationship with technology.
What Do Checklists Say About Our Profession?
Following checklists may not be what you think of when you think of the job of someone in a profession.
Why This PBM Comparison Is a Bit of a Whopper
Are pharmacies really comparable to fast-food outlets?
View from the Zoo
Value-Driven Health-Care System: Value for Whom?
In My View
Are pharmacy schools teaching about health?
Reader Response
DIRs: PBMs Pay Less Each Year While Prices Go Up
PBMs have a business model where they pay less even while prices go up.
Dispensed as written: Fingerprints
Networking: The ability to make yourself uncomfortable
For true networking to occur one has to give of oneself, and maybe not so ready to be on the take.
We Missed the Bus the First Time Around
I missed that Dietary Supplement Bus in 1994-- and so did the pharmacy profession.
Keys to Minimizing Prescription Drug Errors
There are at least three major areas of concern
Appearance matters: A legible label is the least we can do
Whether you like it or not, your patients are paying attention, and judging all of us.