The 'Unattainable Triangle' of Community Pharmacy
Quality, speed, and price has been referred to as the "Unattainable Triangle".
Pharmacy Trends in 2020 and Beyond: Preparing for a New Decade
As we head into a new year, Drug Topics® is exploring some of the latest pharmacy trends and how they will shape the industry in the next decade.
What Pharmacists Are Saying About Stress
Let’s take a look at some of the most common issues pharmacists are facing, as seen recently on Facebook.
How Pharmacists Alleviate Primary Care Shortages
Many in community pharmacy worry that there are too many pharmacists for not enough jobs-whether it’s true or not is up for debate.
Independent Pharmacy: A Day in the Life
Simon Murray, MD, recently spent the day with Chris Castagna, RPh, an independent pharmacist.
Pharmacist and Physician Communication: We Can Do Better
Initiating conversation takes time and effort.
Opinion: Liquid Glass
Liquid glass? Isn’t glass solid?
Opinion: What Chain Pharmacies Can Learn from Independents
From Pete Kreckel, why chain pharmacists have answers that chains are looking for.
Opinion: Color Coded Inhalers
"I’ve yet to meet a pharmacist who ever had this covered in pharmacy school," writes Kreckel.
Opinion: Perish Together as Fools?
We need to stand up for anywhere our profession has a profound impact on healthcare, writes Kreckel.
Reaching a New Generation of Consumers
Technology will help connect and engage with younger customers.
Physician Dispensing and the Opioid Crisis
Pharmacists must continue to minimize the convenience gap between physician and pharmacy.
Opinion: Clinician Burnout is Everyone's Problem
How can we protect the health of the millions of people who protect our own?
Discount Cards: A Rebuttal
"The real problem to be solved is “Why do patients struggle to buy their prescriptions?” writes Frisch.
Opinion: Staying Afloat
PBMs are making it nearly impossible to navigate the waters of healthcare, writes Kreckle.
Opinion: Your Approach to Hiring is All Wrong
"Neither your gut nor peer advice will get you the caliber people you need", writes Nathan
New Institute Aims to Get the Medications Right
Comprehensive medication management may lower costs and improve lives.
Opinion: The Future of Pharmacy
An open letter to the California State Board of Pharmacy.
Opinion: PharmD Quality vs Quantity
"Our focus is making sure students have the best information to make career and program decisions at the time of application," writes Peter Vlasses.
Opinion: Training the Technicians
Figuring out the equations for quality technicians.
Opinion: Staffing, Phone Lines, and Drive-Throughs
Pete Kreckel discusses how he is always working to improve the workflow in his pharmacy.
Opinion: Big Storm Brewing for American Specialty Pharmacies and Patients
Specialty pharmacy prescriptions are plagued by a myraid of complications.
How Pharmacists Can Encourage the Disposal of Unused Prescriptions
By heading off the misuse of unused medications, pharmacists can play a key role in combatting opioid diversion, accidental poisonings and environmental pollution.
Pharmacists Must Counsel on Cannabis Interactions
Lack of regulation means protecting public health is pharmacist's duty.
Opinion: Upholding Our Oath
Two Arizona pharmacists made headlines when it seems they may have not adhered to the Oath of the Pharmacist.
Opinion: Why Change Is Like a Hemorrhoidectomy
"Our jobs change, our families change, our kids change, and whether we realize it or not, we change."
How to Achieve Balance in Work and in Life
Identify and overcome burnout before it impacts you.
Case Studies in Stability
How do full-time pharmacists stay motivated at work and achieve a perfect work-life balance? Here are four pharmacists who are doing just that.
Opinion: Hard Work is Inevitable, but Burnout is Not
Note the physiological signs of stress and consider necessary changes.
Opinion: Pharmacists Are Best Suited to Improve Adherence
Learning a patient's specific situation might help overcome adherence barriers.