Working With Discount Cards and Manufacturer Coupons
Discount cards and manufacturer coupons can cost pharmacies in the long run.
Understanding the IRS: Deductions for Pharmacy Owners
For pharmacy owners, understanding tax code can lead to financial benefits at tax time.
Whatever Happened to Predictability?
Inland Pharmacy is using pharmacy automation to put more emphasis on patient care.
Tips for Tackling PBM Audits—Together
Working collaboratively can be key to either avoiding a PBM audit altogether or making the process as painless as possible.
Pharmacists Challenged With Amoxicillin, Adderall Shortages
Shortages are leaving patients in the lurch.
What Do the Midterms Mean for Pharmacy?
Independent pharmacists stand to gain—or lose—depending on what happens at the polls in November 2022.
Pharmacy Finance Pitfalls to Avoid
Pharmacy finances can suffer if owners are tripped up by these common pitfalls.
Total Pharmacy Solutions Summit CE Sessions Available On Demand at AdvanCE
CE sessions from the Total Pharmacy Solutions Summit are now on demand.
Advanced Point of Sale Functional Testing
Hillary Howell, PharmD, FACA, CNN talks point of sale functional testing at the October 2022 Total Pharmacy Solutions Summit.
Complying with DSCSA Now and in November 2023
With a little over a year until Drug Supply Chain Security Act deadline, knowing how things will change is important.
The Power of Technology in Pharmacy
Paige Clark discussed what technology can do to help pharmacists at the fall 2022 Total Pharmacy Solutions Summit.
Looking Beyond PBMs for Revenue Opportunities
Pharmacy revenue needs to diversify, so what's out there?
Fighting for a Seat at the Health Care Table
The keynote address for the fall 2022 Total Pharmacy Solutions Summit looks at where independent pharmacy is and what needs to be done
Our Success is in Our People
The Flip the Pharmacy program provides tools to pharmacy technicians and non-pharmacy support staff Mitchell’s Drug Stores to help provide patient care.
Coaching for Chronic Care
How on pharmacy helps patients with chronic concerns like diabetes.
Power in Numbers
Flip the Pharmacy helped this Jonesboro, Arkansas, pharmacy go from a traditional dispensing one to a pharmacy offering robust clinical services.
Patient Advocacy: The Cycle of Paying It Forward
A look at how a pharmacist's local CPESN network, the Pennsylvania Pharmacists Care Network, and Flip the Pharmacy, helped one pharmacy better serve patients.
NCPA Urges Department of Defense to Address Pharmacy Access Restrictions for Tricare Beneficiaries
The new restrictions include both independent and chain pharmacies.
Year in Review: Take Our Survey
Share your thoughts on this year in review.
Mental, Behavioral Health Issues Call for Creative Solutions
In an ideal world, pharmacists would be able to spot patients in mental health crisis and provide appropriate solutions.
Live Now: Drug Topics® Annual Salary Survey
Readers, we want to hear from you.
Documentation Pays Off in More Than One Way
Quality documentation ensures that pharmacies get paid for clinical services and offers a way to engage with patients.
Preparing to Counsel Patients on OTC Hearing Aids
OTC hearing aids will soon be available, but this access also comes with questions about counseling and ensuring safety.
Motivate, Incentivize Your Team After the “Great Resignation”
It’s more important than ever to keep your team motivated and incentivized.
Community Health Workers Drive Value in Pharmacies
In an age where pharmacies are expected to do more than provide medication, community health workers add necessary value.
UAMS Wins NCPA 2022 Good Neighbor Pharmacy Pruitt-Schutte Student Business Plan Competition
The winner was announced during the first General Session of the 2022 NCPA Annual Convention
Grow Front-End Sales Today With These High-Impact, Low Cost Tips
Take in these top tips for pharmacy front-end management.
NCPA Recommends Prescryptive Health AI-Optimized Pricing System to Community Pharmacists
MyRx AI Pricing uses enhanced analytics to bring dynamic pricing to pharmacies and cash-paying customers.
Extend Care and Expand Revenue at the Total Pharmacy Solutions Summit
Tune in on Saturday, October 22, 2022.
Supporting the Next Era of Independent Pharmacies in the US & Abroad
The future of independent pharmacy requires the combination of what makes independent pharmacy special and the digital landscape found elsewhere in retail.