R.Ph.s fight to maintain fees for inhalations drugs
November 7th 2005Hoping to ward off what may be a significant cut in 2006 Medicare inhalation therapy dispensing fees, homecare pharmacists are aggressively disputing a recent report from the Office of Inspector General that concluded they are overpaid. They are lobbying Congress and the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services to avoid what industry officials fear may be a draconian reduction.
Campaign launched to promote safe drug use
November 7th 2005McNeil Consumer & Specialty Pharmaceuticals has launched an on-line educational campaign to inform patients of the importance of the proper use and storage of medications and of maintaining a healthy medicine cabinet. The campaign comes on the heels of a recent survey conducted for McNeil by Harris Interactive. The survey found that nearly half (46%) of American adults have taken an expired over-the-counter (OTC) medication.
Get ready for competitive bidding for DME
September 26th 2005CMS is pursuing changes in the durable medical equipment (DME) benefit under the Medicare Modernization Act (MMA) that will have a profound effect on the way beneficiaries receive services and the way pharmacies and other DME suppliers provide those services. Laurence Wilson, director of the Chronic Care Policy Group for CMS' Center for Medicare Management, delivered this message to attendees of the National Association of Chain Drugstores Pharmacy and Technology Conference held recently in San Diego.
Is there a difference among vaginal dryness products?
September 12th 2005Many women experience vaginal dryness during menopause, following childbirth, during nursing, before menstruation, or when using tampons. It may also occur as a side effect from certain medications, as well as from stress and excessive exercise.
Are new lice treatments up to scratch?
August 22nd 2005Once again it's back to school for millions of children nationwide. With this yearly event comes the inevitable arrival of pediculosis capitis—head lice—the bane of children who congregate in close quarters. Three million new cases are reported annually in the United States. Resistance is a growing concern as lice simply ignore conventional pediculicides. As experts note that resistance is much less likely to develop to therapies that do not work on a chemical level, a new wave of therapies use natural and non-neurotoxic treatments.
NACDS show offers treasure trove of new products
July 11th 2005A dizzying array of new products was highlighted at the National Association of Chain Drug Stores Marketplace 2005 conference, held in New Orleans last month. At this largest front-end trade show in the industry, the buzzword was natural, with the majority of new products containing natural ingredients to satisfy customer demand for safer solutions to healthcare problems. Here's a look at the new entries in personal care, dietary supplementation, and home health care.
Sun safety and vitamin D controversy is red hot
July 11th 2005The sun is not the only thing heating up this summer. Controversy is sizzling over whether it is safe for people to get vitamin D from exposure to sunlight and whether sunscreen ingredients can cause cancer. There have been reports claiming that some people aren't getting enough vitamin D because they avoid sun exposure and use sunscreens regularly. In addition, reports in the lay press and medical journals suggest that sunscreens may cause cancer.
Arkansas R.Ph.s help move patients from Rx to OTC drug
June 20th 2005Picture this scenario: A state employee health plan switches patients from an Rx to an over-the-counter (OTC) drug. Pharmacists help expedite the switch without taking a hit to their pharmacy's bottom line. An unimaginable concept, right?