Fifty-eight percent of adults have visited a drugstore in the past30 days to make a prescription purchase, a decrease from 62% in2004 and 64% in 2000, according to the results of a recent Vertisstudy. Vertis is a Baltimore, Md.-based provider of targetedadvertising, media, and marketing services.
Study says: Rx purchases at drugstores drop
Fifty-eight percent of adults have visited a drugstore in the past 30 days to make a prescription purchase, a decrease from 62% in 2004 and 64% in 2000, according to the results of a recent Vertis study. Vertis is a Baltimore, Md.-based provider of targeted advertising, media, and marketing services. The Customer Focus 2006: Drug Store study was conducted among 3,000 adults via phone and on-line in August/September 2005.
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