Men Should Prioritize Self-Care, Reduce Substance Use to Improve Mental Health


Patrick Alonso, PharmD, CPh, provides some tips for men looking to improve their overall mental health.

The COVID-19 pandemic brought mental health concerns to the forefront. Several public health measures implemented to curb the spread of the virus isolated people from human interaction and their daily lives, leaving many feeling anxious and depressed. And while everyone has felt the repercussions, men have been particularly impacted.

READ MORE: Patient Trust, Active Listening Key to Enhancing Men's Health Care

During the pandemic, 36.8% of men reported feeling depressed and 33.8% said that they felt symptoms of anxiety. And while men have notoriously been quiet about their mental health, more are now asking for help. According to data from a study published in BMJ Global Health, surveyed men ranked ‘How to maintain my mental health’ among the top COVID-19-related topics they wanted more information about.1

Patrick Alonso, PharmD, CPh, owner and manager of Your Tampa Health Care Advocates and co-host of the Men’s Health Unscripted podcast, said since the COVID-19 pandemic, more men are now taking their mental health seriously. In an interview with Drug Topics, Alonso discussed the importance of self-care for men and other tips on how men can improve their mental health.

“Number 1, prioritize self-care,” Alonso said. “If you can go and get a massage or go get a facial or do something that might be considered a little more feminine, but it’s really not. It’s self-care. You feel good afterwards. Those are some really good things. Self-care is huge.”

READ MORE: Men's Health Month Resource Center

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1. Gottert A, Shattuck D, Pulerwitz J, et al. Meeting men’s mental health needs during COVID-19 and beyond: a global health imperative. BMJ Global Health 2022;7:e008297.
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