Practical Tips for Independent Pharmacies



In this clip, Harshav Raval, PharmD, RPh, owner of Hickory Pharmacy in East Windsor, NJ, discusses how to get involved in a community as a pharmacist. 

Harshav Raval, PharmD, RPh: Practical tips I would give to other pharmacies trying to differentiate themselves is finding what is needed in your community. Getting active either politically, getting active with your major, assemblymen, your local political leaders, or just your local leaders, they don’t have to be political in any sense. But if there’s a business that people patron often, getting involved with them, telling them that: “hey, there’s a pharmacy here.” You never know when that connection may lead to something else and that connection can lead to a patient getting better health care from your pharmacy, getting better diabetes care or clinic[ical] care with their weight and things like that. I think involvement is key, but also getting to the core and meeting people who are active in the community, is something that is very important, I think, for pharmacies. I highly recommend it – I’ve seen the success in myself, in my business, by doing that and I highly recommend other pharmacists to go after that.

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