How Pharmacists Can Help Support Men’s Health


Patrick Alonso, PharmD, CPh, discusses how pharmacists' skills are underutilized and how they can help support men’s health.

Community pharmacists are widely acknowledged as some of the most accessible health care providers. According to research published in Managed Care Specialty Pharmacy, patients visit their community pharmacy twice as often as they visit their physician, highlighting the key role community pharmacists can play in improving patient engagement.1

READ MORE: Patient Trust, Active Listening Key to Enhancing Men's Health Care

Preventative medicine, which aims to prevent disease or mitigate its complications, is known to significantly improve health outcomes. However, in a survey conducted by the Cleveland Clinic, only 50% of men said they engage in preventative care.2 The survey also found that 61% of men said they would be more likely to go to an annual check-up if it was more convenient. This is a key area where pharmacists accessibility and skills can be better utilized.

Patrick Alonso, PharmD, CPh, is the owner and manager of Your Tampa Health Care Advocates in Tampa, Florida. He also is a co-host of the Men’s Health Unscripted podcast, which discusses different issues in men’s health. The aim of the podcast is to educate and empower men to take better care of themselves through honest and open discussion.

In an interview with Drug Topics, Alonso talked about how pharmacists are well-trained health care providers with extensive knowledge, that pharmacists skills are currently underutilized, as well as how pharmacists can help support men’s health.

“A lot of people just don’t know what pharmacists' training and capabilities are,” Alonso said. “Just being there for your patients and answering their questions I think is great. [We need to change] the way that society perceives our profession. Outside of the person that is just slapping the label on the drugs and handing them to you, we’re actually really talented, really skilled health care professionals.”

READ MORE: Men's Health Month Resource Center

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1. Valliant SN, Burbage SC, Pathak S, et al. Pharmacists as accessible health care providers: quantifying the opportunity. J Manag Care Spec Pharm. 2022 Jan;28(1):85-90. doi: 10.18553/jmcp.2022.28.1.85. PMID: 34949110; PMCID: PMC8890748.
2. Cleveland Clinic Survey: Men will do Almost Anything to Avoid Going to the Doctor. News Release. Cleveland Clinic. September 4, 2019. Accessed June 12, 2024.
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