Why a Pharmacy School Cancelled Marijuana Classes


Medical cannabis classes will no longer be held at the University of Maryland-Baltimore.

The University of Maryland-Baltimore School of Pharmacy has cancelled plans to start offering medical cannabis classes this fall.

The online classes covered cultivation, manufacturing, dispensing, and laboratory standards of medical cannabis. However, after consulting with the Maryland attorney general’s office, the University directed the School of Pharmacy to not offer the classes.

“The decision is due to legal concerns about United States law, and does not reflect any school concerns about the substantive content of the course materials,” Alex Likowski, Director of Media Relations, Communications, and Public Affairs, told Drug Topics.

Although most states-including Maryland-have legalized cannabis for medical use, the federal Controlled Substances Act (CSA) remains in effect, Likowski explained. “Under the CSA, cannabis is treated the same as any other controlled substance without regard to any medicinal use. That means it cannot be prescribed by a doctor under federal law.”

Related article: Cannabis for Credits

Several years ago, the U.S. Department of Justice issued a memorandum indicating that it did not consider prosecutions of medical cannabis in a priority states that had legalized it. “That still didn’t make it legal. I don’t know of any new guidance from the current administration,” Likowski said.

In July, the School of Pharmacy said it was not endorsing the use of marijuana, according to a Washington Postarticle.

“Rather, officials cited the school’s long-established training mission and a desire to establish educational standards for those working with medical marijuana because it already was being used across the country and would soon be available in Maryland,” the article said.

While Likowski is not “aware of any discussions” about future medical cannabis classes at the university, the courses that we going to be offered at the school are available via Americans for Safe Access.

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