NCPA seminar to focus on enhancing pharmacy business


The National Community Pharmacists Association?s (NCPA) Ownership Academy has announced a new program, Jumpstart Your Pharmacy Business: A Seminar for Owners, to be held July 17 to 18 in Alexandria, Va.

The National Community Pharmacists Association’s (NCPA) Ownership Academy has announced a new program, Jumpstart Your Pharmacy Business: A Seminar for Owners, to be held July 17 to 18 in Alexandria, Va.

Created in response to feedback from existing NCPA programs, participants will learn how to better analyze their finances, gain access to important tax and accounting information, understand the benefits of investing in technology, utilize merchandising tools, better handle on third-party audits, enhance their marketing skills, and develop new niche services strategies.

The seminar’s faculty includes Richard Jackson, PhD, professor and director of Mercer University’s Center for Community Pharmacy Practice and Research, and Gabe Trahan, director of retail services for Burlington Drug Co. and an independent consultant. The program provides 11.25 continuing pharmacy education credits and is limited to the first 50 paid registrants.

“While getting your business up and running is a challenge many independent community pharmacy owners overcome, the frustration of taking their business to the next level is considerable,” said Joseph H. Harmison, PharmD, president of NCPA and a pharmacy owner in Arlington, Texas. “This program provides the tools to help pharmacy owners tighten up operations, improve profitability, and capitalize on new opportunities.

“I wish professional assistance of this caliber was available in the early years of my pharmacy business, so I highly recommend today’s crop of owners take advantage of this opportunity,” he added.

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