NCPA: Competitive bidding could limit patient access


Millions of Medicare beneficiaries would face decreased access to DME such as wheelchairs and diabetes test strips if a proposed rule by CMS takes effect, according to NCPA. The association issued a statement saying "the so-called Competitive Acquisition Program developed by CMS creates huge administrative burdens for pharmacists that could affect the availability of DME, prosthetics, orthotics, and supplies, as well as Medicare Part B medications, immunizations, therapeutic shoes, diabetes supplies, and nebulizers.

NCPA: Competitive bidding could limit patient access

Millions of Medicare beneficiaries would face decreased access to DME such as wheelchairs and diabetes test strips if a proposed rule by CMS takes effect, according to NCPA. The association issued a statement saying "the so-called Competitive Acquisition Program developed by CMS creates huge administrative burdens for pharmacists that could affect the availability of DME, prosthetics, orthotics, and supplies, as well as Medicare Part B medications, immunizations, therapeutic shoes, diabetes supplies, and nebulizers. The proposed rule would require pharmacists to obtain additional accreditation and submit to a competitive bidding process in order to continue to sell these essential supplies to Medicare beneficiaries beginning in 2007." NCPA has submitted comments to CMS.

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