NCPA has charged that last year's FTC conflict-of-interest study ofPBMs and their mail-order pharmacies was flawed and has requestedan immediate correction to the agency's findings. Based on adetailed analysis it commissioned, NCPA concluded that the FTCignored much of what Congress specifically asked it to do orselectively used data and analysis to reach unsubstantiatedconclusions.
NCPA has charged that last year's FTC conflict-of-interest study of PBMs and their mail-order pharmacies was flawed and has requested an immediate correction to the agency's findings. Based on a detailed analysis it commissioned, NCPA concluded that the FTC ignored much of what Congress specifically asked it to do or selectively used data and analysis to reach unsubstantiated conclusions. Defending its PBM members, PCMA countered that the FTC report rejected retail pharmacy's claims as being without merit.
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