On-line resources for buying and selling pharmacies


Pharmacists interested in buying or selling a pharmacy can check out the following resources on the Web:

  • NCPA's Web site features a Pharmacy Ownership & Management section at www.buy-sellapharmacy.com) features pharmacies currently on the block, including a separate link to pharmacies for sale through NCPA's IPMS. The site also features articles and information about various aspects of buying or selling a pharmacy, including whether pharmacy ownership is right for you, financing the deal, and why owners need to have an exit strategy.

  • Richard A. Jackson, Ph.D., professor of pharmacy administration, has posted pharmacy ownership resources on his Web site at the Mercer University Southern School of Pharmacy. The URL is http://faculty.mercer.edu/jackson_r/jrpship.htm. It includes several formulas to determine how much a pharmacy is worth and how to set up a junior partnership for the sale of a pharmacy.
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