Join industry experts on Saturday, June 15, to completely transform and revolutionize how you approach front- and back-end solutions within your pharmacy.
Is there an aspect of front-end or back-end solutions within your pharmacy that you believe can be improved? Join industry leaders this weekend at the Total Pharmacy Solutions Summit to learn how to maximize your vaccination program, how analytics and advanced data can help you thrive, how the future of pharmacy is shaping up, and more. Day-of attendees can also earn up to 2.0 free CE credits.
Register HERE and check out the full schedule below. We can't wait to see you all this weekend!
Keynote: Disrupted or Empowered? Future Trends in Community Pharmacy Practice. 9:05 AM - 9:30 AM (Session supported by NCPA)Speaker: Douglas Hoey, RPh, MBA
(CE) Session 1: Vaccine Update for Travel Health 9:33 AM - 10:33 AM (Session accredited by AdvanCE) Speaker: Jeff Goad, PharmD, MPH, FISTM, CTH
Session 2: Inject Profit into Your Pharmacy by Maximizing Your Pharmacy Vaccination Program 10:38 AM -11:23 AM (Session supported by Transaction Data Systems) Speaker: Pacience Edwards, PharmD
Session 3: Capturing the Opportunity: One-Stop Test to Treat in Pharmacies. 11:26 AM - 12:11 PM (Session supported by BD) Speakers: Monica Mahoney, BCPS, BCIDP, FCCP, FIDSA, FIDP & Joseph Mann, MSN, FNP-C
Session 4: Leveraging Data: Unleashing the Power of Analytics for Pharmacy Service Marketing 12:14 PM - 12:59 PM (Session supported by RxConnexion) Speaker: Mehrdad Hariri, RPh, CPh, MBA
(CE) Session 5: Navigating and Using Social Media Platforms for Professional Growth 1:02 PM - 2:02 PM (Session accredited by AdvanCE) Speaker: Christopher M. Bland, PharmD, FCCP, FIDSA, BCPS
Roundtable: Chaos to Control: Unleashing the Inventory Superpowers of Techs! 2:07 PM - 2:52 PM (Session supported by DiversifyRx, NPTA) Speaker: Lisa Faast, PharmD & Mike Johnston, CPhT-Adv
Closing Remarks: 2:55 PM - 3:00 PM