How to Use a Reverse Distributor to Skyrocket Your Pharmacy Business


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A Guide to the KPIS and Benchmarks of Reverse Distribution

Help Your Pharmacy's Bottom Line: Understand the KPIs and Benchmarks of Reverse Distribution

A pharmaceutical reverse distributor is more than just a service provider who coordinates returns of your pharmacy’s unused or unsalable items. A good reverse distributor is a partner for your pharmacy business: providing data and insights about your pharmaceutical returns and inventory processes to help improve your pharmacy’s inventory management-and ultimately, your bottom line.

To understand how your vendor is performing, you must evaluate key performance indicators (KPIs) such as:

  • Turn Time

  • Collect and Reconciliation Rate

  • Excessive Return Volume

  • Percent of Returnable vs. Non-returnable inventory

  • Pharmacy-Caused Non-returnable

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