Cigna to use benefit incentives to promote compliance


Cigna Pharmacy Management is launching new preventive prescriptiondrug plan options that are designed to promote medicationcompliance by providing a higher level of benefit coverage toemployees who need certain medications to prevent illness oraddress specific chronic healthcare conditions. One option allowsemployers to waive the plan deductible for more than 700 usuallycovered preventive prescription drugs.

Cigna Pharmacy Management is launching new preventive prescription drug plan options that are designed to promote medication compliance by providing a higher level of benefit coverage to employees who need certain medications to prevent illness or address specific chronic healthcare conditions. One option allows employers to waive the plan deductible for more than 700 usually covered preventive prescription drugs. Members would be covered for these medications according to the coinsurance or co-payment requirement of the pharmacy plan, without first having to satisfy a plan deductible.

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