James A. Jorgenson, MS, FASHP, executive director of Clarian Health Partners Department of Pharmacy Services in Indiana, received the Distinguished Leadership Award during the opening session of the American Society of Health-System Pharmacists (ASHP) clinical meeting in Orlando, Fla.
James A. Jorgenson, MS, FASHP, executive director of ClarianHealth Partners Department of Pharmacy Services in Indiana,received the Distinguished Leadership Award during the openingsession of the American Society of Health-System Pharmacists(ASHP) clinical meeting in Orlando, Fla.
Jorgenson, a member of the Drug Topics Editorial Advisory Board,was honored for "his impressive practice leadership." Jorgensondirects all the pharmacy operations for Clarian, which includesIndiana University Hospital, Riley Hospital for Children, IndianaUniversity Simon Cancer Center, Clarian Arnett Hospital, andMethodist Hospital.
"Jim has helped raise the bar of excellence in health-systempharmacy," said ASHP President Kevin J. Colgan. "He is to becommended for achieving prominence, first at the University ofUtah and now at Clarian, for his work to improve the care thatpatients receive at these health systems."
Jorgenson said he was gratified by the recognition from hispeers. "It’s a bit overwhelming when you consider the people whohave won this award," he said. "It’s both humbling and surprisingand truly a reflection of the staffs I’ve worked with."
He also credited his wife for her continuing support.
Jorgenson is an active ASHP member, serving on the Commission onCredentialing as well as the councils for legal and publicaffairs and administrative affairs. He is a faculty member ofASHP’s Pharmacy Leadership Academy, has held numerous positionswith ASHP state affiliates, and has served on the editorial andadvisory boards for healthcare providers and the pharmaceuticalindustry.
Prior to working at Clarian, Jorgenson directed pharmacy servicesat the University of Utah Hospitals and Clinics in Salt LakeCity. He provided pharmacy services at the 2002 Olympic WinterGames in Salt Lake City, including overseeing drug informationservices and the Polyclinic Pharmacy serving athletes.
Q&A: How Specific GLP-1s Impact Different Patient Populations | ASHP Midyear
Jennifer Clements, PharmD, BCACP, BC-ADM, BCPS, CDCES, FADCES, FCCP, discussed current GLP-1 medication offerings and how each impacts patients differently.