Tackling Pneumonia in the Pharmacy
Besides providing education and counseling, pharmacists play a key role in the administration of vaccines.
Are Cannabinoids Key to Harm Reduction in Opioid Use Disorder?
Cannabinoids lack the habit-forming mechanism of action found in methadone and buprenorphine, unlocking new potential for the drug.
Text Message Reminders Raise Flu Vaccination Rates
In a recent study, researchers found that text message reminders led to increased influenza vaccination rates, along with many receiving the vaccine sooner.
Keys to Managing Gestational Diabetes in the Pharmacy
Patients can face risks like hypertension and difficult delivery.
Science Communication Tips for Pharmacists
Pharmacists can help educate patients as they try to analyze scientific information shared via the news or social media.
What Do the Midterms Mean for Pharmacy?
Independent pharmacists stand to gain—or lose—depending on what happens at the polls in November 2022.
FDA Approves Olipudase Alfa-rpcp for Acid Sphingomyelinase Deficiency
Acid sphingomyelinase deficiency is a rare, progressive genetic disease associated with significant morbidity and mortality.
Crisis (Not) Averted
It’s too late for retail chain pharmacies to engage in the preventive maintenance that would have spared them the worst of the Great Resignation.