Authors present a case that illustrates the importance of patient counseling to avoid drug errors.
Get Into Politics or Get Out of Pharmacy
Our congressional representatives have plenty of interaction with PBM lobbyists. It’s time they hear from patients as well.
Pharmacy in the Digital Age
The world’s information is at our fingertips, but understanding that information and applying it to patient care still requires a rigorous education.
In Frankfurt, Pharmacy Takes a Different Approach
In Germany, data live in the cloud, patients can fill prescriptions at any pharmacy, and the wholesale price of semaglutide (Ozempic) is a fraction of the cost.
Striking Pharmacists Put Concern for Patients First
The action taken by CVS staffers seems to be the only way to get the attention of corporate officials.
Adaptation Is the Key to Success
Farmers and welders have adapted to work with the current times. Pharmacists should consider adapting their profession as well.
PA Programs Draw Pharmacy’s Best and Brightest
Physician assistants have pulled well ahead of pharmacists in a recent listing of top jobs in the health care profession.