To prevent drug traffickers from diverting iodine for the illicit production of methamphetamine, DEA has issued a final rule governing iodine crystals and chemical mixtures containing more than 2.2% iodine.
To prevent drug traffickers from diverting iodine for the illicit production of methamphetamine, DEA has issued a final rule governing iodine crystals and chemical mixtures containing more than 2.2% iodine. Iodine products have now shifted from List II to List I unless they are exempted. Exempted products include Lugol's Solution in one fluid ounce (30 ml) package/bottle, which is often used to pretreat patients' thyroid glands prior to ingestion of radiolabeled material, as well as iodide compounds to protect the public in the event of a nuclear incident. To view the DEA final rule, published in the July 2 Federal Register, go to: